Tikket is a WhatsApp CRM

WhatsApp conversations are opportunities for sales, collections, support, and much more. Don´t let them go unrecorded.

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Why Tikket?

The biggest problem with WhatsApp is that if we receive many messages, it´s very likely that we will miss attending to some or most of them, and the lack of a complete history of our customer. Tikket helps you overcome the limitations of the channel and squeezes all its potential for your business.

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Everything you need for tracking your Leads

Automatically stores the contact of each conversation

Task follow-up funnels from conversations

Customizable field CRM to adapt to any type of business

Decision tree and/or Artificial Intelligence chatbots on WhatsApp

No additional cost

WhatsApp Cloud API

WhatsApp Cloud Api implementation at no additional cost with your Tikket plan

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A CRM without contact limits so your business can grow infinitely

Mass WhatsApp messages

Conversation history

Database segmentation

Unlimited contacts

Apps for Android and iOS

Start now

Start managing your WhatsApp conversations better today so no lead is left unanswered and you build valuable relationships with them through conversation

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